We've set up a fertilizer factory on site. Here is the raw ingredient (not the bumble bee!) : Bocking 14 Comfrey. The roots go down an amazing 20 foot and draw up all manner of goodness into their leaves. All we do is cut it every six weeks (which is a shame as it is so pretty and covered in bumble bees) and put into barrels with water. Six weeks later we have gallons and gallons of the foulest smelling, but wonderfully effective fertilizer. We are also using the leaves to mulch our tomatoes. Stinky, but makes for happy toms.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Turbo Planting with the Mini-Fox
Here Phil is at the end of a liesurely afternoon planting french beaqns. Liesurely as we are now the proud owners of a mini fox that takes four days of hard work on your hands and knees into something that can be done in 3 hours!
Its a seductive little machine and drew Paul and Jo into its magic. You can't help but be intrigued by it. I will try and get the little video to work. But here's a still of it with Fin giving a helping hand. It really changes planting from a chore to a day of fun!
Putting the Sunflower into Sunflower Vegetables
Green house getting greener
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