Friday, April 20, 2007

Salad Days

This week is our salad week. Getting them all planted is turning out to be an extremely arduous process. We also have caulis, cabbages and broccoli to plant too. Its gonna be a busy weekend. It is actually very pleasant work as it is both methodical and rewarding as planting things is always satisfying. Apart from sowing carot seeds which is just downright fiddley.

Meanwhile the garlic is doing amazingly. Baring in mind how litle rain there has been this month (driest April in 300 years) I cannot believe how big and strong they are. We are waiting for the onions to come up. Its always a joy to see their little shoots coming up! First potatoe shoots should be appearing imminently. They have been in for a fortnight so I rekon one more week and they will be making their presence known.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Foreign labourers at the patch

Well, we had the New Zealand delegates helping plant potatoes over the weekend with the crucial help of Rhiannon and Alec..and in the end of the final row, Mousey. We planted 10x100 foot rows of new potatoes (6 of Red Duke of York and 4 of Sharpe's Express) and used the potato ridger for the first time. I even took a little movie with a view to continuing my 'goldoni series' but the whole card sadly got wiped.

Thanks to all our helpers...can we have a bit of rain now please?