Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Sunflower Vegetables

It is almost a year since the first fork went in! We are dining on extremely tastey carots and onions and garlic and spuds and they took next to no effort to grow! The main effort has all been in preparing the field with compost, seaweed, lime and after the green manures have done their magic...Rock dust! Phil and I have spiralled through euphoria, stress, comedy and sweat. Phil should take alot of credit for everything that he has achieved in the past year. He has really stuck too it in the icey cold and the burning sun. John's support has been amazing. He has cleared a staggering amount of his collection of plumming and building equipment and general tat to clear space for Phil. He has also built Phil an office and a tool shed! And Shelia has been really supportive, sharing her space with the newcomers!

We have been blessed with many helpers and supporters and Mousey and Paddy are definitely our key helpers, with help from Paul, Leah, Bridget, Gordon, Peter, Giles and more!

Finally we have found a name for our business that we both feel good about!


Lovingly grown, chemical free vegetables for local delivery
3 Acres, Woodmancote, Near Henfield, West Sussex BN5 7ST 07913562036

The domain name is a fiver for two years so that makes it a goer!!